
The blog

About living one year in the sharing economy…

Day 31: January in numbers

Now it's time to show how much money I've made in the sharing economy this month. I'll show some more stats as well.

Income from Airbnb: 11 683 SEK (renting out two rooms)

Income from other services: 0 SEK (no one has rented my ski gear so far...)

I've had 14 Airbnb guests, from Sweden, the US, France, Finland, Russia, Germany and Korea, including a three year old. In total they will have slept here 47 nights including this night. 

I managed to get rid of 31 percent - or 136 items - of my clothes. Which is far from 80 percent. But still, a third is not that bad. Well, I still keep them in two boxes. That'll be the next step; to give them away or try to sell them.

I've had meetings of some sort with founders of 5 start ups in the sharing economy.

And I've given one presentation about the project, been interviewed by the local newspaper UNT and on pod radio, Radio Bonde.

I've tried 7 services in some way or another - Airbnb, Hoffice, Rentl, Shpock, Skjusgruppen, Spinlister, Streetbank (though in many cases by posting an ad without getting an answer).

Finally I've started using Instagram, Snapchat and Slack. I've also made my first Youtube videos, started this blog and downloaded a bunch of new apps with names such as Peerby, Schneebs, Leftoverswap and JetSmarter.

So, to summarize it's been a very interesting first month full of great experiences! I've learnt so much even if I didn't earn a lot of money. I could never have imagined that the interest in this project would be so big. Tomorrow I'm doing another interview and participating in a round table discussion. Meeting so many warm, caring and inspiring people is the best thing. But also the kind of experiences that is hardest to capture by statistics like this. One way of saying it is that I seem to meet more people that communicate with smiles and hugging. Going more digital has definitely added a lot to the human dimension in my life. I love it!


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