Day 353: Slightly chaotic
Let me describe what I've been doing since Thursday morning, three days ago. It gives some explanation of why I haven't had time to blog that frequently these last days.
1) gave a lecture at the university of agriculture, in defense of globalization and about how it's related to the sharing economy. It took three hours.
2) Then home where one of my neighbours helped me fix the lock in the door which was broken (and almost locked me inside the apartment the day before).
3) After that train to Stockholm and this super cool co-living house where I've through Taskrunner gotten the job as some kind of general handy man. I should blog more about that too.
4) Then after working there in the afternoon I met some friends for drinks.
5) Oh yeah, I wrote a column on the train to Stockholm too.
6) Friday, spent most of the day doing all sorts of the co-living place.
7) Came home rather tired and had just lied down on the couch when the guy who plays the piano here sometimes came and played for an hour.
8) When he was done playing and Airbnb guest from Tokyo arrived. He was Korean and had been living in China and Japan, and we spent most of the evening talking about the difference between those countries. Even though he found Japan a lot more relaxed than South Korea he had a dream about moving to Sweden and was now here four days, only to hear the Swedish rock band Kent.
9) After midnight I was rather tired and just about to go to sleep when I got a message from a friend. "Hey, I'm in town and it's so far to go home to Stockholm. Can I crash on your sofa?" Ok, sure. So he came here, we talked for an hour and then finally I could go to sleep.
10) Saturday morning I made breakfast and introduced the Korean guy to Swedish specialities like Kalles kaviar and hjortronsylt when I got a message: "Hey, where at the station now. Will be in your place soon!" Damn, I had forgotten that two guys from California was arriving in the morning. So I cleaned their room super quickly and then welcomed them.
11) Then I did some shopping, groceries etc. Went to have coffee with my mum. Did some laundry. And was just about to get some rest on the couch when - yes, the piano guy arrives again.
12) And then it was time to cook for my three friends that came for dinner.
13) When they left at midnight I chatted for a couple of hours and then i realized I had laundry still in the basement, which I had to remove because some neighbour was gonna do laundry in the morning. So I finally went to bed at 3 am.
14) Then this morning I got up. Said good bye to the Korean guy, and went to have lunch with some other Koreans.
It's a lot of people in four days. Do I even need a lock on the door?
Woke up to this in the morning. From left to right: the piano, remnants of yesterday's dinner, my "bed", the laundry that I have to fold.