Day 338: Hacker space and VR porn
Now I'm back in Sweden again. I've done so many different things this trip, it feels like I've been away for a lot more than two and a half weeks.
The last day in San Francisco I did some sightseeing. Fisherman's wharf, Haight Ashbury and things like that.
In the evening a friend had hooked me up with Jonas S Karlsson who has founded hackerspaces around the world. He kindly offered to take me to Noisebridge, a makerspace in the Mission District, where there there would be short talks on different topics. They use a concept called 5 minutes of fame, where people get five minutes to present an idea, work in progress etc. It was really cool to see the place. Electronic components, led lights, sewing machines, a room for welding etc. And lots of people interested in discussing any aspect of this. Jonas who has lived many years in San Francisco said that it is exactly this creative atmosphere that is the best thing about this city.
After that I met up with one of the couchsurfers that I had requested to stay with. I already had a place to stay but we decided to have a beer. He was, of course, also working in the tech industry, something related to autonomous cars. We talked about the sharing economy and how to change things in society. Then he asked me if I wanted to try his VR headset. Of course! I've never tried it before.
Alan Turing and a bike rack.
It is common that people get some motion sickness so at first he choose some simple animated thing for me. But I rarely get car sick, maybe that helps, so I didn't feel bad at all. After that I tried a psychedelic music video and then a roller coaster - that was really cool. So I made a funny remark.
- Cool, I totally see the potential for VR porn.
- Do you want me to download some for you?
- Ok, sure, why not.
As Terence put it: "I am human, and nothing of that which is human is alien to me." So yeah, while my new friend was facebooking, I got to see a few minutes of VR porn. Mindblowing ;-) Thanks Dee!
The next day I flew back to Sweden, feeling confident I had experienced the most important things the tech scene in San Francisco has to offer.