Day 50: Tacos and surprise dinners available now
Yesterday a new app for dining was launched, Airdine. (I've written about it here and here.) It's available on App Store and Google Play and looks really nice. (By the way, I don't get paid to write about all these apps and platforms, I'm just super enthusiastic about them.)
So far you can choose from meals in Göteborg, Stockholm, Malmö and Jönköping but I hope people will offer meals in many places over the world soon. And I promise I'll make something in Uppsala soon...
Compared to a regular restaurant the prices are a bit lower. But I think the main reason to choose this is not to save money. But to get a more personal experience.
As you can tell from these ads. "Grisen i säcken" means you don't know what you're getting. It's vegetarian, Joel will cook something from what he finds in the fridge and share some wine with you too. Sound's like an exciting plan for a Friday evening!
Or Philip who will cook chili for seven hours! With side dishes such as guacamole, pico de gallo, bacon corn cream. "Seating is not guaranteed - amazing food and drinks are" Wow, that really sounds amazing! Only 185 SEK, next Saturday.
I can especially imagine how cool it would be to travel somewhere and eat a cozy dinner in someone's home. There are other similar services and I spent a couple of hours yesterday looking through meals offered in NYC, where I plan to make a trip soon. And they looked amazing! I want to try them all! Now! I could almost feel getting those smiley-heart eyes when looking at them.