Day 119: Sell your junk
After a friend told me she had been using the Shpock app and sold a lot of stuff I decided to give it another try. And it turned out pretty well this time. I posted 20 ads or so, but it's free and it's super easy to do so it doesn't really take a lot of time. Anything from a pair of old shoes that my ex left to a table that, yeah my ex also left (next is his CD collection).
Sure, I've had a few of those "I want to buy this thing and accept your price. But then I will never be in touch when you want to decide a time and place to pick up the goddamn thing." One woman who didn't answer I gave a one-star rating. Which made her send a message, something like "I really want the poster, but I've been busy. I have a premature baby here." Oups. But how could I have known that?
Anyway, I sold the table. 50 kronor isn't that much, but my options would have been to borrow a car and take it to the dump or some charity store. Now a woman picked it up and paid me to get rid of it!
And I sold a stove grill for 30 kronor. Some weird invention that you're supposed to put on the stove and grill meat on - a gift from my ex-ex-ex's mother. I don't believe in it at all and was surprised that someone would want it. But the buyer looked liked a perfectly normal woman, showed up on time and paid me the agreed price.
So yeah, it's turned out great. I get rid stuff that old boyfriends left. And instead of taking it to the dump, someone take it away for me, and I even get some money. Great! There must be some catch? Will I get bad karma for this?
Instruction for the grill.
People really sell the weirdest stuff. A Sabrina the Teenage Witch DVD? 16 sqm of ugly carpet?