Day 153: Cake, love and fire
I don't know if all tech/startup/sharing economy release parties have cake, a fire show, dj:s and guests talking about love and caring (since I've never been to one before). But Buddler's party tonight sure did! And ended in a bar with a view over the rooftops this lovely June evening in Stockholm.
There are many related concepts that an be used to describe the sharing economy; networks, sharing, openness and connecting people... I get a lot of questions about regulation and taxes. Or about danger and risks. But this is what I really think is important and what I wish people would talk more about. How we might be entering an age of connectivity as one of my friends in the sharing economy puts it. (And renting out toilets is of course only one part of this ;-) ) And I really admire the team behind Buddler for being bold enough to dream about this, and trying to do what they can to make it happen. One afternoon in late November last year I had a coffee with Hans and Robin at Buddler and something they said made me realize that I would do this project the way I'm doing it, so they've already helped me connect more with people. And at least once a week I get a sincere message from someone who tells me they find my project inspiring. It's like a ripple effect, where good ideas and actions spread. I think that is really what the sharing economy can be about, at best.
Buddler cake!
CEO Robin Hesselstad
Co-founder Hans Åkerman
A dragon someone had buddled
Fire show
The dj:s